Feb. 1, 2023

You Can't Trolley Problem the World

You Can't Trolley Problem the World

The Galileo Seven (Trek: TOS) vs. The New King (Wars: Droids)

Our first guest(!), Heidi Rogers, looooves Star Wars and Star Trek. Heidi and Aspen talk about their loooove of the prequels. We also talk about the disconnect between animation and live...

The Galileo Seven (Trek: TOS) vs. The New King (Wars: Droids)

Our first guest(!), Heidi Rogers, looooves Star Wars and Star Trek. Heidi and Aspen talk about their loooove of the prequels. We also talk about the disconnect between animation and live action. Aspen explains the timeline of Droids. We also talk about probable Orientalism of the bad guys in this episode of Droids.

Show Notes:

Durkii - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Durkii

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The Galileo Seven | Star Trek: The Original Series on Paramount+

The New King | Star Wars: Droids on Disney+